Coasting is the most popular method among physicians to prevent ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)1. This is absolutely true whether the patient is undergoing in vitro fertil­ ization (IVF) in the United States or in Europe. Withholding gonadotropins and delaying the administration of human chorionic gonado­ tropin (hCG) have been employed in ovulation induction since the late 1980s and early 1990s2-5. Shortly afterwards, coasting was used to prevent severe OHSS in IVF cycles6. More than 15 studies (Tables 1-3) have been pub­ lished, and several reviews have critically eval­ uated the effect of coasting on OHSS1’7-9. In this chapter, the advantages and the mechanism of action of coasting are discussed in detail. The impact of the points of initiation and termina­ tion of coasting as well as the duration are ana­ lyzed for the various publications based on our previous reviews and critical analyses10,11.