In Chapters 5 and 6, we described our IMIE model and the variables a practitioner must consider in assessing the intrasystemic dialogue between users and technology. In light of the previous discussion, this chapter aims to present a means by which to set up and manage an integrated evaluation process (i.e., IMIE). In particular, as we underlined in Chapter 2, a complete evaluation process should include measures and techniques for assessing the three dimensions of the interaction-accessibility, usability, and the user experience (UX). These three dimensions are organized in a hierarchical manner, so that nothing can be considered “usable” if it is not already accessible and, at the same time, we cannot arrive at a realistic measure of UX without measuring and solving rst the accessibility and subsequently the usability problems. As was noted in Chapter 6, although the accessibility assessment plays a part in the evaluation process as well, our focus in this handbook is on depicting a complete procedure that may be used by evaluators in order to assess usability and the UX. To achieve this goal, we shall analyze the rules and methods of these two dimensions of the interaction.