Nowadays, it is widely accepted that the development of viable and sustainable bioreneries is highly dependent upon the utilization of all biomass components and, if possible, the production of multiple products that could satisfy different markets. Integration of opportunities in current industrial sectors through the utilization of waste and by-product streams should be also explored in order to reduce capital investment and operating costs, promote re-utilization of the same feedstock/product in a cascade mode, and improve the environmental impact of current industrial processes. Furthermore, biomass-based bioreneries should be developed in an analogous manner that petroleum reneries evolved since the 1860s from relatively simple processes using atmospheric distillation to produce kerosene as a substitute for whale oil in oil lamps to complex and integrated distillation and conversion processes that fractionate and convert petroleum into several products. The development of petroleum reneries for the production of fuels, chemicals, plastics,

24.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 501 24.2 Wheat-Based Bioreneries ...................................................................................................502