Patrick Lachassagne is presently the environment and water resources manager for Evian Volvic World Sources (Danone Waters France). Patrick is in charge of research projects dealing with improving the knowledge about complex natural mineral water (NMW) aquifers and developing speci¤c management tools and strategies about groundwater protection policies. He is also in charge of the operational management and protection of the Evian, Volvic, Badoit, and La Salvetat NMW aquifers. He previously worked for 20 years at BRGM, the French Geological Survey, as a researcher, project manager, and the head of a research team dealing with the hydrogeology of complex aquifers, hard rocks (HRs), and volcanic, geothermal, thermal, and mineral aquifers, with case studies in various areas of the world (France, West Indies, Comoros, Guiana, Reunion Island, India, South Korea, Burkina Faso, Oman, etc.). He still teaches for students pursing their courses about HR aquifer (HRA) structure and functioning in several French universities for students pursuing their master’s degrees.