Svetlana Dvinskikh has a doctorate in geographical sciences and is professor, head of the department of hydrology and water resources protection (faculty of geography, Perm State University, Russian Federation). Professor Dvinskikh is an academician of the International Academy of Ecology, Man and Nature Protection Sciences, and has won several academic and other awards, including the honour title of the Perm Region Person of the Year (2000) and honour title RF Merited Worker of the Higher School (2008). Professor Dvinskikh has more than 260 published works, including 12 monographs and manuals. In 2007, 2009, and 2011, she was the organizer of the international scienti¢c and practical conference “Modern Problems of Reservoirs.” She has been successful in winning a number of research grants, for example, grant from RFBR for Systematization of the Environmental Risk Hydrological Conditions on Water Bodies of Di¥erent Genesis (in Perm region) (2006-2009); £eoretical Basis for the Complex Study of Reservoirs Areas Experiencing Signi¢cant Human Impact (2007-2010); £eoretical Justi¢cation of Sand and Gravel Deposit Management under Current State of Kama Reservoirs Aquatic Ecosystems (2010-2012). Professor Dvinskikh is a member of the Scienti¢c and Technical Council of Perm Regional Environmental Department and Kama Water Basin Administration. Spheres of her scienti¢c interests include (1) questions on assessment of pollution and protection of super¢cial water objects, and formation of hydrological risk, and (2) system methodology and its use in geo-ecology.