BIOLOGICAL TARGETS OF OXIDATIVE STRESS Oxidative Post-translational Protein Modifi cations (OPMs) Proteins are the main target for oxidative modifi cations. RS can react either directly with the side chains of amino acid residues, the peptidic backbone of proteins. Lipid and carbohydrate oxidation can generate lipid peroxidation and glycoxidation adducts on proteins, respectively (Berlett and Stadtman 1997; Beckman and Ames 1998). Compared to RNA, DNA and lipids, proteins are the most likely cellular targets of oxidation as a result of their abundance, and it is estimated that nearly 68% of oxidation process is carried out in proteins (Davies 2005). ROS dependent modifi cation of proteins can be classifi ed as cleavage of peptide bonds, and oxidation of amino acid residue side chains.