The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change emissions scenario A1B (a balanced emphasis on all energy sources) indicates that atmospheric carbon dioxide will reach 550 µmol/mol by 2050 (Carter et al., 2007), and this change, along with increases in other “greenhouse” gases, seems likely to create perturbations in global weather patterns. Carter et al. (2007) summarized these changes as warmer days, fewer cold days, and more frequent hot days and nights, as virtually certain, and it is likely that there will be larger areas affected by droughts. Current climate models suggest that annual rainfall in the grain production regions at midlatitudes, such as Australia, will decline by 50-100 mm and annual mean surface temperatures rise by 1°C−2°C (Whetton, 2001), and similar changes are indicated for Indian agriculture (Aggarwal, 2008).