Force is a vector quantity that includes magnitude and direction. e force of action usually includes a point and a line of application. e force vector is represented by an arrow, usually a straight line from the origin of the force that shows the direction of the force and the length of the arrow represents the magnitude of the force. Other vector quantities are velocity, acceleration, momentum, torque, and impulse. In the human body, the force is represented by the skeletal muscle. A specication that is important to be mentioned here is that muscles can execute only pulling actions. To better understand the pulling actions of the muscles, here is the explanation: When you pull a cart, you say there is a pulling action of the biceps muscle. But when you push a table, you probably will say there is a pushing action. It is not! You have to think about your muscle’s actions again. In this case, the triceps muscle pulls the forearm for the extension position that results in a pulling action of the triceps muscle even if your arms are extended. For a popular explanation you should say my body is pushing an object or better the object will depart from your body.