Introduction ...................................................................................................... 36 Internationalization Stages from the Early Beginning ................................ 36 Sporadic Exporting/Importing; Exporting/Importing via Independent Agents; Commercial/Purchase Own Offices ....................... 37

Import ........................................................................................................... 37 Export ............................................................................................................ 38

Joint Production Facilities (Joint Venture) .................................................... 40 New Production Facility Implementation .................................................... 41 The Need for a Reconfigurable Production and Logistic System ............. 43 GlobOpe Framework ....................................................................................... 45

GlobOpe for New Facility Implementation ............................................. 49 GlobOpe for Global Supplier Network Development ........................... 51 GlobOpe for Multiplant Configuration .................................................... 54

References .......................................................................................................... 57

• Stages to be considered in the internationalization of operations process in a company

• Factors to be considered in each stage • The need for a reconfigurable production and logistic system • GlobOpe framework

Internationalization Stages from the Early Beginning The GlobOpe framework is centered in the more advanced stage of a company in terms of becoming global. Nevertheless, the maturity level of a company in terms of business and operations internationalization could be lower. Previously (see Chapter 1), the classification has been made for global, local, offshorer, and exporter companies. Companies are not tied to one of these strategies during their entire life cycle. Thus, they could change and adapt them. Following this strategy, three different behaviors and paths (Luzarraga, 2008) can be followed to achieve a rating of global competitor (Figure 2.1).