Previous studies of reproductive ecology in lizards have shown that the most important traits in the life history of reptiles are: age and size at sexual maturity, clutch size, frequency of clutches, reproductive phenology and the period of the reproductive activity (Duvall et al. 1982; Licht 1984; Galán 1997; Ramírez-Pinilla et al. 2009). In addition, the differences in the reproductive season between species or even among populations of the same species depend heavily on environmental conditions (Galán 1997). Seasonal variation in environmental factors such as temperature (Cruz 1994; AbuZinadah 2008), precipitation (Colli 1991; Cruz et al. 1999) and photoperiod (Rodriguez-Ramírez and Lewis 1991; Censky 1995; Manríquez-Morán et al. 2005; Zaldívar-Rae et al. 2008) play a fundamental role in the timing of the reproductive events such as gametogenesis, mating, gestation, egg laying, hatching or birth (Litch 1984; Medina and Ibargüengoytía 2010; Boretto and Ibargüengoytía 2006; Ortiz 1981; Olivares et al. 1987; Pough et al. 1998).