Diagnostic ultrasound in obstetric practice .............................. 61

Clinical applications of ultrasound .................................................. 62

Scanning schedule in clinical practice ......................................... 66

Ultrasound in the assessment of fetal well-being ................ 66

Ultrasound and invasive procedures ............................................. 72

Summary of the aims of obstetric ultrasound ......................... 72

Magnetic resonance imaging ............................................................. 73

Additional reading ...................................................................................... 74

Ultrasound is the principal imaging modality used in obstetrics. Indeed, diagnostic ultrasound is used to screen all

pregnancies in most developed countries. Ultrasound is used to date pregnancies and chart antenatal growth of the fetus

and to identify congenital abnormalities. Colour and spectral Doppler can identify placental and fetal blood vessels and

provide information on placental function and the fetal circulatory response to hypoxia.