From time immemorial the enigmatic Universe fascinates the human imagination and intellect. Humans wondered at the motion of the heavenly bodies in the vault of the sky and found resemblence between constellations of stars and earthly living beings. In the absence of any sophisticated instruments, the thinkers of those distant times used their diligent observations of the displacements of the heavenly bodies in the sky, their ascents and descents, to make various astronomical calulations. The advent of the telescope by Galileo Galilei heralded a new dawn in astronomical observations and calculations. Mathematician Johannes Kepler put forward the laws of planetary motion. The revolutionary discovery and mathematical formulation of gravitation – one of the fundamental forces of nature – by Sir Issac Newton paved the way for a more formidable understanding of the motion of the heavenly bodies. Any digression of the observed motion of the known astrophysical objects from the theory appears to indicate the presence of unknown objects.