Radioactive material was released to the environment on several occasions after the tsunami struck Fukushima (Wikipedia 2011a). This occurred due to deliberate pressure-reducing venting and through accidental and controlled releases. These conditions resulted in slight amounts of radioactive contamination in the atmosphere, drinking water, milk, some crops near the reactor and in fi sh caught 80 km from the coast. Radioactive iodine was found in breast milk of women living east of Tokyo. Drinking water in Japan was above the limit for infants about 7 to 10 days after the accident. Several workers received dosages of more than 100 milliSieverts (mSv) and two were hospitalized with high exposures around the ankles while standing in radioactive cooling water. Water levels within units 2 and 3 were reported to be 750 to 1,000 mSv on March 27th (Wikipedia 2011a).