The vectors Y = (y1, . . ., yi, . . ., yN), X = (x1, . . ., xi, . . ., xN) and Z , W are also similarly defined. The co-ordinates of Y are supposed to be totally unknown to begin with, but Z, W are known vectors while X may be fully or partly known, e.g., the total X is often supposed

to be known but not the constituent elements. The most frequently addressed problem in survey sampling is to suitably estimate

, Y Y and Y YR X X

= = on choosing a sample s of a number of

units of U and ascertaining the values of yi for i in s by dint of a survey. The sample is chosen with a probability p(s) according to a sampling design p to be appropriately employed. We strongly recommend that the reader should consult Chaudhuri (2010).