NREM sleep d. Antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs increase delta activity on EEG e. Benzodiazepines increase beta activity and decrease alpha activity

on EEG

7 . P sy c h o p h a rm

a c o lo g y : a n tip

sy c h o tic

s a n d o rg a n ic d iso

rd e rs:

Q u e stio

n s

a. Tricyclic drugs cause impaired ejaculation b. 5-HT agents may inhibit orgasm c. Dopamine agonists may lead to enhanced erection and libido d. Yohimbine is an a2-adrenoreceptor antagonist, used as a treatment for

both idiopathic and drug-induced male sexual dysfunction e. All of the above

50) A 48-year-old man with bipolar disorder had been stable on lithium monotherapy for 5 years. Over the last several months, he has become increasingly withdrawn, with fatigue and poor concentration. He has recently gained weight and complains of constipation. He has developed a dislike of cold and his voice is hoarse. On examination he has bradycardia, dry skin and slowly releasing reflexes. The most probable cause of his problems is:

a. Lithium toxicity b. Hyperparathyroidism c. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus d. Hypothyroidism e. Myasthenia gravis

7 . P sy c h o p h a rm

a c o lo g y : a n tip

sy c h o tic

s a n d o rg a n ic d iso

rd e rs:

Q u e stio

n s

1) e. Mechanism of action of clozapine involves the D4 and 5-HT receptors. In therapeutic concentrations it may occupy only 40-60% of D2 receptors. Antipsychotic effects are usually obtained when D2 occupancy is 60-70%.