The population-based incidence of monomorphous angiocentric gliomas is unknown. Certainly, these are most uncommon lesions. The experience recorded to date indicates that children are preferentially affected. The eight cases reported by Wang et al. (2005), derived from hospitals across the United States and collected in non-systematic fashion, included five pediatric patients (aged 3-15 [mean 9.6] years at diagnosis) and three adults (aged 26, 30, and 37 years). In fact, two subjects in the latter cohort experienced the onset of tumor-related symptoms during childhood or adolescence. The 10 examples communicated by Lellouch-Tubiana et al. (2005), culled from a series of 204 operative specimens referred for tissue diagnosis from pediatric neurosurgical centers in France, were discovered in patients aged 2.3-14.5 (mean 9.2) years. Reported cases have been equally divided between the sexes and all appear to have arisen in sporadic fashion.