A large number of conditions may cause a sore or ulcerated mouth. Many different diseases have similar presenting features, such as an ulcer or pain in the mouth. Squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue and mouth nearly always starts as an ulcerating mass. A white patch in the mouth is called leukoplakia, although this is really only a descriptive term and not a diagnosis. The size of the tonsils has little to do with their disease status. Small tonsils can be just as troublesome as large tonsils. After the tonsils have been removed, the tonsillar fossae become coated with a layer of whitish, fibrinous exudate, which is sometimes mistakenly thought to represent an infection. Children with enlarged adenoids often snore; in combination with big tonsils, the adenoid may sufficiently narrow the upper airways to cause obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome. If enlarged or infected, the adenoid may compromise the function of the eustachian tube, which can result in secretory otitis media.