The synthesis and characterization of wide bandgap II-VI (~3.6 eV) semiconductor materials has been the major area of research in the eld of nanotechnology since last 10 years. The nano-sized wide bandgap semiconductor crystallites have unique chemical, physical, and electronic properties, which support their potential application in opto-electronics, data storage devices, quantum dot lasers, nanosensors, nanophosphors, biological markers, and efcient photocatalytic applications [1-6]. When the size of semiconductor nanoparticles is reduced below a critical diameter (<100  nm), the spatial connement of the charge carrier causes them to behave quantum mechanically. As a result, the bands split into discrete electronic states in the valence and conduction bands, and nanoparticles behave more like a giant atom. Due to the quantum connement effect [7,8], semiconductor nanomaterials also exhibit large surface area to volume ratio. The high surface-to-volume ratio of nanoclusters leads to high surface reactivity and enhance the chemical reaction dynamics and photon absorption efciency.