Functional dependency network analysis (FDNA) was developed using weakest link rules to express the operability functions of nodes in an FDNA graph. FDNA is a methodology and a calculus created to measure the ripple effects of degraded operability in one or more entities or feeder–receiver chains on enterprise capabilities, due to the realization of risks. FDNA is a way to measure inflows and outflows of value across a topology of feeder–receiver node dependency relationships. In FDNA, a dependency exists between nodes when the operability achieved by one node relies, to some degree, on the operability achieved by other nodes. The flexibility in formulating the operability function between nodes is a desirable and important aspect of FDNA. A constituent node can be a feeder to, or a receiver from, other nodes in an FDNA graph. FDNA captures the transmission of performance and value relationships between nodes by way of value functions.