The basic chilled water piping conŒguration for a single chiller is shown in Figure 2.1. Here, a single chiller provides chilled water to the cooling coils utilizing a single chilled water pump.

For small systems, this conŒguration has the advantage of lower initial cost, but does have some basic disadvantages:

1. With the single-compressor system, failure of any component (compressor, pump, or condenser) will result in no cooling being available. For most facilities, this is unacceptable and the use of multiple chillers allows at least some cooling (50% or more) be provided even if one chiller fails. In cases where cooling is critical to the facility (computer centers, hospital, laboratories, pharmaceutical or textile manufacturing, etc.), multiple chillers with at least one redundant chiller are often used. In this case, even if one chiller fails, 100% of the design cooling load can still be met.