Light in the form of lamps and more typically lasers has been successfully implemented in a variety of ophthalmic disease treatments and surgeries. The potential of lasers and light has yet to be realized with myriad research and recent success stories focused on the synthesis and implementation of photoresponsive (light-responsive) polymer platforms for the on-demand delivery of drugs in a smart and tuned fashion. The transparency of the eye and advanced technological developments in ophthalmic lasers allow for strict focal point control and high-speci›city delivery of monochromatic ultraviolet (UV), visible, and infrared (IR) wavelengths (Gibson and Kernohan 1995; Qiu and Park 2001; Alvarez-Lorenzo et al. 2009). Light provides

20.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 383 20.2 Light Transmission through the Eye .............................................................384 20.3 Light and Laser Technology ......................................................................... 386 20.4 Current Light and Laser Use in Ophthalmology .......................................... 387

20.4.1 Current Applications......................................................................... 387 20.4.2 Photodynamic Therapy: Drug Delivery and Activation ................... 387

20.5 Photoresponsive Polymers ............................................................................ 388 20.6 Emerging Photoresponsive Polymer Technologies ....................................... 389

20.6.1 Irreversible Polymer Systems ........................................................... 389 In Situ Photo-Cross-Linking and Photopolymerization .... 389 Photoresponsive Degradation ............................................ 389 Phototriggered Systems .....................................................390