INTRODUCTION e Internet of ings (IoT) refers to the connection of real-world objects to the Internet. Pachube (www.pachube.com) provides a vehicle for growing the Internet of ings through its online platform that delivers global visualization of sensor data streams. is novel architecture promotes data sharing, monitoring, mining, and scientic collaboration at little or no cost to its users. e functionality of Pachube is provided through its application program interface (API) that can be used from myriad

CONTENTS Introduction 119 Background 120

e Pachube Environment 120 Communicating with the Pachube Environment 122

Challenge 122 Solution 122

Communicating from the LabVIEW Environment 122 Data Format Structure 124 Serving Data to Pachube 126 Other Useful Tools 126

Conclusion 129 Resources 131 References 131

programming and scripting languages such as Java, Ruby, Python, Perl, PHP, Visual Basic, and LabVIEW. is chapter will introduce the reader to the Pachube web service and demonstrate how data feeds can be con-gured, updated, and distributed using LabVIEW and the current API version.