Introduction A casual look is suf†cient to draw our attention to the presence of symmetry in many of the objects around us. Apparent symmetry is observed in the animal kingdom, plants, as well as inanimate objects. Leonardo da Vinci’s drawing of Vitruvian man re…ects the symmetry present in the human †gure. Bilaterally symmetric animals (other than humans) are also quite abundant and are examples of symmetrical natural objects. The re…ection symmetry observed in the shapes of leaves and the radial symmetry present in the shapes of sea anemones are also common examples of symmetrical organisms. Symmetry is common among inanimate material objects. The impressiveness of architectural wonders such as the Taj Mahal, the pyramids, and the Parthenon is due to their unique symmetry. Obviously, the presence of symmetry creates an aesthetically pleasing sense related to the concept of proportionality and balance as well as the beauty of the object. The presence of symmetry in material objects not only appeals to the aesthetic sense but is also of practical use. Use of symmetry has been made for safety, security, and familiarity since ancient times. Use of symmetry rather than dissymmetry in the construction of a house or a room makes it convenient and livable for the inhabitants. Identifying an object in the latter case would need more effort than in the former case. This idea can be extended to various tools of day-to-day use. The re…ection symmetry of bricks is used in construction, and helical symmetry is used in the working principle of drill-bits and springs. Numerous other examples can be given that indicate a preference for symmetry (both at the simple and complex levels) both in nature as well as in arti†cial habitats.