The previous chapters have outlined some of the minutiae of the food security concept-how it is defined and understood as well as something of the role of governance. Importantly too, ideas of good and bad nutrition were explored along with the effects of disease and the problems of classification. At this juncture, then it is worth brie¡y looking at the current global situation of food insecurity. It is worth mentioning too that this book is not intended to identify those affected in any great detail or analysis, there are other publications that cover this topic in much more detail. Instead this book’s aim, as mentioned and worth reiterating here is simply to identify the concepts and areas of confusion and to get to the bottom of how we can improve our comprehension of the subject in its entirety. By understanding what type of data are studied, where it comes from and how it is used can only be beneficial. In this way, future in-depth analysis of the concept is ultimately improved. However, before we can explore the global picture in a little more detail, it is incumbent on the reader to understand something of the various country classifi- cations and how these might potentially confuse or complicate global, cross-institutional comparisons.