In the standard model the weak and electromagnetic interactions are determined by three parameters: the W interaction strength (g), the B interaction strength (g′, pronounced “g-prime”), and the vev of the Higgs (v). In place of g′, it is customary to introduce θW (pronounced “theta-W”), known as the Weinberg angle.* As described in Figure 8.2, one combination of B and W3 forms the photon, and the other combination forms the Z boson that mediates neutral current interactions. e mass of the W+ or W-is given by g × v2. e strength of the original weak interaction given by Fermi’s constant is determined by g and the mass of the W. us, knowing Fermi’s constant and the mass of the W determines g and v. e strength of the electromagnetic interaction given by the charge of the electron, e, is given by a combination of g and g′. us, knowing g, the value of e determines g′ or θW.