The name Celes came from the word celestial because the model has 12 stars on the surface. Celeste might be the name in English, but the pronunciation of Celes is easier for me.

2 Variations of Symmetry Polyhedral symmetry provides basic and important guidelines for the design and assembly of any modular work. There are basically three different kinds of symmetry, which dictate, among other things, the number of units needed for the structure. Phrases such as “assembled with 6, 12, or 30 modules” might be familiar to modular workers; these numbers, such as 6, 12, or 30, correspond to the number of edges in the underlying regular polyhedron. We can make two different types of models with 12 modulesthose based on the cube and the octahedron. There is the same situation for 30-module models too, in which either the dodecahedron or icosahe-

dron is the underlying polyhedron. So, five different models corresponding to the five regular polyhedra can be made with one kind of module. It is possible to make five different models with the basic Celes modules, too, but one of the models made with 30 modules is not stable.