Figure  6.1 explains interactions of natural products with different levels of genomic studies. In this book, we have attempted to address a part of the interaction pathways of “natural product interactome.” Chapter 2 addressed most of the studies that are available for specic genes and selected natural products. We have not studied all the genes that are present in each chromosome but instead have designed an analytical approach from the available literature for the interaction of human genome. Chapter 3 addressed most of the transcriptomic proles of orange juice and hesperidin, a natural product. The second part of this chapter addressed the specic functional genome, that is, metastasis genome interaction with limonin, a citrus natural product in animal model studies. In Chapter 4, we discussed an interaction pathway where the advantages and disadvantages of combinations of traditional therapy or interactions of different natural products on both breast cancer cells and prostate cancer cells with specic reference to the signaling kinases activities are present. In addition, the immunohistopathological studies also provide further conrmation of the effectiveness of the combinatorial therapy in vascular tissue differentiations.