Distribution There are numerous important species of black flies: Prosimuliim mixtum is a serious pest of people and animals in much of the United States as well as Cnephia pecuarum in the Mississippi Valley, and S. meridionale in the eastern and south-central United States. In Mississippi, recent outbreaks of S. meridionale have made life miserable for thousands of residents in the Mississippi Delta and killed many chickens, purple martins, and other bird species in the area. Simuliim vittatum and S. venustum may seriously annoy livestock, fishermen, and campers in the northern United States. In south-central Europe there have been severe outbreaks of S. colombaschense (the infamous golubatz fly) and S. erythrocephalum. Other notorious pests in Europe include S. equinum, S. ornatum, and S. reptans. In Africa, members of the S. damnosum and S. neavei complexes are important vectors of onchocerciasis. In Central and South America, vectors of onchocerciasis are S. ochraceum and S. metallicum.