In 1981, the CRPG was still in its infancy. Programmers were refi ning their techniques and discovering the true capabilities of personal computers. More importantly, standards were emerging that would greatly improve interfaces, making CRPGs much more intuitive and far less cumbersome. So far, most CRPGs had been of interest only to hardcore role-playing fans already intimately familiar with D&D conventions. Th ese games lacked the sort of user friendliness that would have made them accessible to a larger audience. In any case, many gamers didn’t relish the idea of learning one role-playing system just to abandon it when the next game came out. Th e solution came in the form of long-running series, such as Ultima, Apshai, and Wizardry. Once gamers had mastered the interface, they could move on to the next game in the series with relative ease. As we’ll see, these series had benefi ts for both developers and gamers, and they mark an important turning point in the history of the CRPG.