T here a re a nu m b er of problem s in m otion and stereo in com puter vision th a t can be addressed u sing rad iom etric analysis. A key problem in s tru c tu re from m otion is th e derivation of optic flow a t each point in a m otion tim e sequence of im ages, w hich shows th e in s tan tan eo u s vector d isplacem ent of im age fea tu res w ith respect to tim e. S tru c tu re from m otion can also be derived from observation of changing reflectance over tim e. F or b inocular stereo, reflectance properties of an object can aug m en t surface shape descrip­ tion an d som etim es even am elio ra te th e corre­ spondence problem . T he p apers in th is section discuss th ese issues.