In this chapter, the authors deal with applying the theory of counterfactuals to s; this theory allows us to reason about hypothetical situations. Sensor networks are embedded networked systems that receive percept streams from the environment and constantly react to them. From a software-based point of view, modifications done to any system Sensor Network Systems (SNS) should be performed under utmost caution as SNSs are often deployed in mission-critical applications. In the context of perpetual requirements in SNSs, the authors aim to develop an approach that relies on two technological elements. The first is Secure Operations Language for Java, which is an event-based domain-oriented synchronous programming extension of Java used to write the specification for agents, which, in this context, are the software counterparts of one or more sensors. The second element is the Secure Infrastructure for Networked Systems (SINS). A SINS implementation consists of a set of SINS virtual machines.