ANTRAL CARCINOMA Antral carcinoma is usually squamous cell carcinoma, seen in older people. The tumour can remain undetected until late. Infiltration of branches of the trigeminal nerve may eventually cause maxillary sensory loss or pain. As the tumour expands the effects of expansion and infiltration of adjacent tissues become apparent as intra-oral alveolar swelling, ulceration of the palate or buccal sulcus; swelling of the cheek; unilateral nasal obstruction often associated with a blood-stained discharge; obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct with epiphora; hypo-or an-aesthesia of the cheek; proptosis and ophthalmoplegia consequent on invasion of the orbit and trismus from infiltration of the muscles of mastication ( Figs 1.14.1-1.14.3 ).