Development of the GBM basin will involve very large-scale transformation of the environmental system. A fundamental revolution in concepts in terms of societal-environmental systems management (SESM) is urgently required, as water is part of it. It is necessary that the latest science of the subject is adopted and that attempts are made to contribute to its advancement. The subject is accordingly discussed briefly. The presentations follow from Chaturvedi (2011a, 2011c). Following the basic conceptual and policy formulations, it will be shown in Chapter 13 that the management of the GBM environment can be revolutionized to meet the developmental challenges. However, that is only part of the story, as emphasized above. The entire water management activity has to be transformed, and even beyond, the environmental management has to be transformed in view of the very large-scale activity as India undertakes her revolutionary development from a backward country to her due state in human community.