Much of the focus on data mining has been for analytical applications. However, there is a clear need to mine data for applications that have to meet timing constraints. For example, a government agency may need to determine whether a terrorist activity will happen within a certain time or a ’nancial institution may need to give out ’nancial quotes and estimates within a certain time. at is, we need tools and techniques for real-time data mining. Consider, for example, a medical application where the surgeons and radiologists have to work together during an operation. Here, the radiologist has to analyze the images in real time and give inputs to the surgeon. In the case of military applications, images and video may arrive from the war zone. ese images have to be analyzed in real time so that advice is given to the soldiers. e challenge is to determine which data to analyze and which data to discard for future analysis in nonreal time. In the case of counter-terrorism applications, the system has to analyze the data about the passenger, from the time the passenger gets ticketed until the plane is boarded, and give proper advice to the security agent. For all of these applications, there is an urgent need for real-time data mining.