If, for a given pair of alternatives, a and b have gj(a) ≥ gj (b) for j = 1,2,…, n and at least one inequality is strict, then a dominates b. According to Brans et al. (1984), the PROMETHEE methods belong to the outranking methods consisting in enriching the dominance order. They include three phases:

1. Construction of generalized criteria 2. Determination of an outranking relation on A 3. Evaluation of this relation in order to give an answer (7.1)

In the first phase, a generalized criterion is associated to each criterion gj by considering a preference function. In the second phase, a multicriteria preference index is defined in order to obtain a valued outranking relation representing the preference of decision makers. The evaluation of outranking relations are obtained by considering for each action a leaving and entering flow.