Our goal is to derive theoretical expressions for the three primary transport coefficients: the friction factor Cf, the heat transfer coefficient h, and the mass transfer coefficient kc, in laminar flow situations. We know that these coefficients depend upon:

Cf = ƒ(fluid properties, flow field)

h = ƒ(fluid properties, flow field, temperature field)

kc = ƒ(fluid properties, flow field, concentration field)

To a lesser extent we are also concerned with the ionic mass transfer coefficient k±. This coefficient depends upon:

k± = ƒ(fluid properties, flow field, concentration field, electric field)

12.2 CONVECTIVE TRANSPORT COEFFICIENTS, Cf, h, kc, and k± We begin by looking at the simplest possible flow geometry, the flat plate. Although the least complicated case, it is of extreme technological importance. From fluid flow over bird wings, airplane wings, aquatic fins, and ski jumpers, to heat transfer from the walls of buildings, stegosaurus plates, and the underbelly of the space shuttle, to mass transfer from fish gills and tree leaves, the flat plate represents the first line of attack in nearly all convective transport situations. It is only when the flat plate approximation fails, that we are forced to consider more complicated geometries.