Mike Smith is looking to buy a snow blower to clear his 50 ft long and 12 ft wide, slightly sloped driveway and sidewalk. He also would like to use it when he occasionally travels to his rustic cottage up north, where the driveway is unpaved and very long. Mike has a limited budget and has narrowed down the possible options to three: Monda, Tara, and Zraft. Monda is a single-stage snow blower. It is light and small, a fact that makes it easy to use. It is also the least expensive. Monda, however, has poorer performance because it only clears an 18 in. swath and cannot be used effectively on gravel. Tara is also a single-stage snow blower. It has a 21 in. swath and is more expensive than Monda. Zraft, is a two-stage, heavier snow blower that is more expensive than Monda and Tara, but it cuts a much wider clearing path. Moreover, it can be used on gravel. Mike is evaluating these three snow blowers by considering cost, performance, and ease of use objectives. How should Mike decide which snow blower to select?