Bioremediation has evolved frommanagement and treatment ofmu-

nicipal and industrial wastewater and solid wastes. Land disposal of

wastewaters on sewage farms began in the late 19th century and in-

volved the use of soil bacteria. In decontamination processes more

sophisticated methods of contaminant treatment, such as tricking

filters, activated sludge, and anaerobic fermentation, were advanced

in the first half of the 20th century. Since 1960, biological treatment

processes have continued to include newmethods of land treatment

and processes for biodegradation of particular types of compounds.

Developments in wastewater and solid-waste treatment have been

transferred to the treatment of contaminated soils and groundwater.

In recent years, most of the works on bioremediation has been on

the treatment of soils contaminated with petroleum products, since

most petroleum hydrocarbons are relatively easy to degrade and are

amenable to bioremediation, and the large number of sites conta-

minated with petroleum hydrocarbons from leaking underground

storage tanks.