Products for personal care are unique in that there is direct and long-term human

dermal and possibly inhalation exposure. The specific aspect of ingredients that

are produced by using recombinant organisms is that they comprise peptides, pro-

teins, and enzymes. According to a few reports, the major concern of human

exposure seems to be sensitization after long-term dermal contact or exposure

via inhalation. Basically, the same criteria as those for other chemicals apply

for hazard identification and risk assessment, and consumer and workplace

exposure. Because there are no specific regulations for personal care products

obtained from recombinant organisms, it is the aim of this chapter to evaluate

which data are necessary for hazard identification and risk assessment and to con-

clude which experimental and human studies are considered necessary for risk

assessment and regulation of such materials. This chapter provides a toxicolo-

gist’s view on the safety assessment of such material.