Distal radius fractures are extremely common injuries that are

most frequently seen in children and again later in life in elderly

osteopenic women (1). The majority of distal radius fractures

are simple fractures resulting from a fall and impact on an

outstretched hand, and may be treated nonoperatively. High-

energy distal radius fractures are more common in younger

adults, and in these patients, the need for operative stabilization

is more likely. In addition, some of the osteoporotic low-energy

fractures may be unstable injuries that require operative stabil-

ization. The demands of the elderly patient are increasing as

they become more active and physiologically healthier. The use

of external fixators, augmented with pins, screws, or small

plates inserted through percutaneous or minimally invasive

means, is a useful technique in the treatment of distal

radius fractures.