Pharmaceutical products are more than formulations, the

product must be supplied in a primary package system

that protects its quality from time of manufacture until

ready for use, and the proper delivery of the product may

be supported by the packaging system as well, with

regard to dose, safety and other attributes. This is true

of all pharmaceutical dosage forms, and while it is of

particular importance for sterile products, the proper

preparation of containers is essential to all drugs. This

chapter will review the validation concerns for primary

packaging components, specifically containers and

closures used in the packaging of sterile and nonsterile

products prior to filling. The treatment of this topic in

earlier editions of this text (1) addressed the develop-

mental and selection physical and chemical attributes of

polymeric closures, and the presterilization processing of

closures and sterile glass containers. This chapter

expands and updates the types of materials to include

plastics, and explores nonsterile dosage forms, while only

referencing sources for developmental andmaterial selec-

tion information. The approach excludes traditional

autoclaving, dry-heat depyrogenation, and online postfill

container integrity testing technologies. These topics are

addressed elsewhere within this volume or in widely

available references. The relationship with packaging

component suppliers for both quality and outsourced

preparation will be addressed. The chapter will suggest

methods for validating preparation operations from a

practical viewpoint of the validation team and those

functions directly supporting the validation effort.