Complications occur in all types of gastrointestinal (GI) ulcers but are much more common in duodenal ulcers. Hemorrhage occurs in 20-30% of peptic ulcers, gastric outlet obstruction in 5%, and perforation in 2-10%.(8) This perforation rate is equivalent to 11 operations per every 100,000 people.(9) Perforated gastric ulcers have a much higher mortality rate than perforated duodenal ulcers and this reportedly ranges 10-40%.(5)

Gastric ulcers account for approximately 5% of all PUD but require operation much more frequently than duondenal ulcers. (10) Ninety-five percent of gastric ulcers are benign. Ulcers in the fundus are rare but are almost always malignant.(11) Giant gastric ulcers, those greater than 2 cm in diameter, which were

previously thought to be malignant, are benign 90% of the time. (8) Duodenal ulcers are almost always benign.