INTRODUCTION Minimally invasive methods for treatment of varicose and spider veins have advanced dramatically over the last few years. This revolution has provided dermatologic surgeons with a completely new array of techniques. These include endovenous vein occlusion methods using simple access to the vein lumen and sealing the vein with radiofrequency (RF) or various wavelengths of laser, each different in its benefits dependant upon the absorption characteristics. Other new methods include the use of agitation of sclerosing solution with air to create microbubble foam for larger veins and tributary veins of the saphenous system. Another new development is the use of glycerine as a sclerosing agent for telangiectasias to minimize matting and pigmentation. This chapter will discuss primary concepts and the use of these methods to treat both large and small varicose veins as well as accompanying telangiectasias.