Here we mainly consider the problem of finding the function of two vari­ ables u(x, y) which gives the minimal value to the double integral

and which assumes some given values on the contour C bounding the domain D. We assume that in the domain D the functions a(x, y), 6(x, y) and c(x, y) are positive. This problem is equivalent, in general, to the Dirichlet problem for the equation of elliptic type:

Among the methods of approximate solution of this problem, two are most often applied: the Ritz method [1] and the Runge method [2] (see also [3]) also known as the finite difference method, consisting in replacing equation (2) by a certain finite difference equation. Here we give a method for solving this problem which differs from the two named above. This method essentially reduces to the following: suppose we must find the func­ tion u(x, y) which gives the minimal value to the functional J[u(x, y)]. Then choose, in the interval where one of the variables, say y, changes, a certain number of values

and by interpolation construct a function of two variables

which for y — yi , . . . , y = yp would become respectively equal to

f l (x), •••, fp(x)- Substituting the function u constructed into the functional / , we then

obtain the functional I[u(x, y; / 1? / 2, . . . , f p)\ depending on p functions of one variable f i ( x ) , . . . , f p(x). Choose the last variables so that the given functional assumes its minimal value. In this case the function u(x , y) will differ very little from the unknown function u(x,y). Thus the main idea of the method consists in the fact that finding the minimum of a functional dependent on the function of two variables is reduced to a simpler problem on the minimum of the functional depending on functions of one variable. Let us carry out this consideration more precisely.