However, it is very difficult to source this estimate back to the original underpinning evidence, although Rob Mahoney (personal communication, May 2005) confirmed to us that he used the figure in evidence provided by British Gas to the U.K. Chorley Enquiry (which reported in 1987; see below), with 60 to 70% of British Gas data being spatially referenced. The figure was later revised to 80% in a presentation at the AM/FM 1988 Conference in Nottingham, U.K., which also marked the creation of the U.K. Association for Geographic Information. In addition, an information audit carried out by Medway Council (U.K.) noted: “Of the 180 database repositories, 121 had some and 11 a possible geographic reference, i.e. around 75% in all. Of the other repositories, 77 or just fewer than 60% had some geographic reference” (Schmid et al., 2003, p. 5).