Young diagram A graphical representation of a partition of a natural number. If α = (α1, α2, . . . , αk) is a partition of a natural number n, that is, n = ∑αi with each αi ∈ N, the Young diagram (of order n) of the partition consists of n blocks arranged in rows and columns in such a way that the ith row has αi blocks. The first block in each row lies in the first column. The transposed Young diagram α′ corresponds to the partition α′ = (α′1, α

′ 2, . . . , α

′ m), where

α ′ j is the number of cells in the j th column of

the Young diagram. If the numbers 1, 2, . . . , n are inserted in the blocks of a Young diagram in some order, the diagram is called a Young tableau.