I. Introduction 267

II. Intravascular Xenon-129 Imaging 268

A. Xenon Delivery to Tissues 269

B. Polarized Xenon NMR in Tissues 271

C. Polarized Xenon Imaging in Tissues 272

III. Intravascular Helium-3 Imaging 274

A. Helium Delivery to Tissues 274

B. Polarized Helium Imaging in Tissues 276

IV. Intravascular Carbon-13 Imaging 279

A. Carbon-13 Polarization Techniques 279

B. Polarized Carbon-13 Imaging in Tissues 280

V. Applications of Intravascular Polarized Imaging Agents 280

A. Compared Properties 280

B. Imaging Applications 282

References 284

I. Introduction

Since the first demonstration of the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) potential

of laser-polarized nuclei by Albert et al. (1), polarized nuclei ventilation imaging

studies have demonstrated the greatest advancements in terms of clinical appli-

cation and research. Numerous studies in animal models, volunteers, and patients

have been reported (2-6) and a large spectrum of applications, from partial

alveolar oxygen pressure assessments (7) to diffusion measurements (8), has

been demonstrated.