I. Definition 390

II. Radiologic Findings 392

A. Initial, Early Exudative Stage/Stage I (1st-24th Hour) 394 B. Exudative Stage/Stage II (2nd-7th Day) 395 C. Proliferative and Fibrotic Stages/Stages III and IV

(.7th Day) 397

III. CT Scan Protocols 397

A. Advantages and Indications of CT 398

IV. Pulmonary or Extrapulmonary ARDS 399

V. Basic Concepts of Therapy and

Potential Complications 400

A. Prone Positioning 401

VI. Ventilator-Associated Lung Injury 402

VII. Long-Term CT Findings 402

VIII. Deeper Insights in ARDS and Mechanical

Ventilation by Functional CT 403

IX. Alternative to Radiological Imaging:

Electrical Impedance Tomography 407

X. Conclusion 408

References 409

I. Definition

The term “acute respiratory distress syndrome” (ARDS) was coined in 1967 by

Asbaugh et al. (1), who described a syndrome of severe dyspnea, tachypnea,

hypoxemia refractory to oxygen therapy, decreased pulmonary compliance,

and diffuse alveolar opacities on chest radiography. Autopsy findings consisted

of atelectasis, vascular congestion, hemorrhage, and pulmonary edema. His-

tology revealed diffuse alveolar damage with hyaline membrane formation.

Although this description reflected clinical and pathological findings, the clinical

entity of the ARDS at the time was still poorly defined. As similar findings were

also observed in children and adolescents, the term “acute respiratory distress

syndrome” was adopted and is preferred to the initial name, “adult respiratory

distress syndrome”. ARDS is characterized by a general inflammatory reaction

of the lung, which results in severe pulmonary capillary permeability with the

subsequent development of interstitial and alveolar edema. The production of

mediators, such as leukotrienes, prostaglandins, and proteolytic enzymes, leads

to severe alterations in normal pulmonary physiology and respiratory failure.

The primary clinical finding is hypoxemia with an oxygenation index [arterial

oxygen partial pressure (PaO2)/inspiratory oxygen concentration (FiO2)] of less than 200. The hypoxemia is also associated with reduced pulmonary compli-

ance due to interstitial edema, depletion of surfactant, atelectasis, formation of

hyaline membranes, and eventually, the development of fibrosis.