The theory that early life exposures might influence health later in life has been around

since the beginning of the last century (1). The concept is perhaps most widely known with

respect to early life nutrition and subsequent cardiovascular disease as adults, a hypothesis

put forth by Professor David Barker and colleagues (2-4) and generally referred to as

“the Barker hypothesis.” While the Barker hypothesis generally refers to nutritional

deficiencies in early life, the wider concept of environmental exposures in early life

affecting risk of adult disease-often referred to as “Critical Developmental Windows for

Exposure”—has also been pursued in relation to other health endpoints. In particular, there

is a long history within the field of mental health of examining the association between

in utero exposures and adult schizophrenia (5,6). Could early life exposures affect other

aspects of neurologic functioning in adulthood? As the population of many countries is

aging rapidly, these questions take on added importance.