I. INTRODUCTION Laparoscopic surgery has caused a major revolution in surgery. Contributors to this success story were the surgeons' pursuance, on the one hand, and the continued technical and instrumental advancements, on the other. The importance of laparoscopic equipment and instruments is evidenced by the constant drive to perform safer surgery. Inability to prevent and control intraoperative bleeding, to visualize the anatomy, or to approximate tissues (e.g., anastomosis) accounted for the majority of conversions in the early days of laparoscopy. Lacking the advantages of tactile sensation, the ability to perform bloodless surgery is essential to maintaining a good view and exposure to the site of dissection. A number of tools and techniques have evolved that will be outlined in this chapter. It is advisable to learn the features of and become familiar with each instrument or technique prior to using them during a procedure. Many devices are secured with a special handle or mechanism that should not be released before proper positioning of the instrument has been assured.